Why are the terms of the contract not capitalised in the Estonian version of the contract (e.g. Parties, Client, Buyer, etc.)?
The capitalisation of contract terms has been introduced into Estonian mainly on the model of English. The use of the capital letter is often justified by the fact that, for example, Party, Customer or Buyer refers to one particular party, customer or buyer, while a lower case party, customer or buyer refers to all other parties, customers or buyers. In Estonian, however, there are many other ways to express such a difference. For example, you can use a qualifier: other buyer, this contract, other contracts, etc. There are no rules of orthography in the Estonian language that would allow contract terms to be written with a capital letter. As the language used in documents is part of the general language, the same rules apply as for the general language. If the author wishes to emphasise important words, they may use other formatting methods outside of the general rules of orthography, such as italics, letter spacing, bold, etc. (Read more: https://www.just.ee/oigusloome-arendamine/oiguskeel/ajakiri-oiguskeel#item-12)
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